Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Positive Experience with a teacher

The positive experience that I had with a teacher at Hirsch was when Ms. G my former spanish 2 teacher told me about how important it was to take cornell notes. Honestly I thought that it was nonsense to take notes on everything that mighth not be brougth up later but I learned this out the hard way. W hen Ms. G told us ok class lets take notes we all was like ahh man not again but as time gerw and we kept taking notes it actually in my opinion me on test and quizzes. It also helped me when I need something to look over when a test was coming up I realized that taking cornell notes really were important and I will not only need them while I'm in high school but it will also help me out when I go to college and any were else in the worl that consist of taking notes. I would like to conclude that because of Ms. G's advice I am one of many that am a great cornell note taker. Thanks Ms. G!!!

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