Monday, March 31, 2008

"Friendship multiplies the good of life and divides the evil."-- Baltasar Gracian

This quote is meaningful to me because it is talking about how frienddship grows in numbers, but it also divides among the number who isn't a friend. I think that is totally true because when your a friend of someones you sometimes don't have a clue out of the group who could be lying or who could be an outsider, but you find that out by which ones will betray you and act funny towards you after a period of time. I also think this qoute is meaningful because you will always know who true friends arre by life which is meaning as you get older and move on which friends will keep in contact with you and call to see how you are doing that to me would be a true friend. Another reason why I suppose friendships don't last and you can tell them out of the bunch because they usually have there on secret clique that they have already blew you off for and start acting stupied in front of so you know there not your friend. in conclusion I would have to quote that only friendship makes life sweet, and the evil in a friendship will never be together it will always and forever be divided.

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