Thursday, April 3, 2008

Past Relationship

The past relationship that I had and I learned from was when I first started dating. When I first started dating I was so in love with this boy so I thought, and he was a total jerk he was lying and cheating and talking to other girls but because I liked him so much at the time that to me didn't matter. I remember when my mother thought it was a good idea to tell me to not date him because she saw what I wasn't looking at because I thought I was in love. I decided I was going to put my love for him beside me and dump him because he was making me feel so terrible and sad, so the day I finally did it he was mad I was relieved so I went out with my friends, and I can say the lesson I learned is don't let any one boyfriend or not run over you cause there are other guys that are much more worth you.

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my buggie