Monday, April 7, 2008

Things to be Happy about!!!

1. I'm happy about having good health.
2. I'm happy about being at peace.
3. I'm happy about being in the right state of mind.
4. I'm happy about going to college in the fall.
5. I'm happy about graduating in June of 2008.
6. I'm happy to serve a Almighty God.
7. I'm happy to just being me.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Past Relationship

The past relationship that I had and I learned from was when I first started dating. When I first started dating I was so in love with this boy so I thought, and he was a total jerk he was lying and cheating and talking to other girls but because I liked him so much at the time that to me didn't matter. I remember when my mother thought it was a good idea to tell me to not date him because she saw what I wasn't looking at because I thought I was in love. I decided I was going to put my love for him beside me and dump him because he was making me feel so terrible and sad, so the day I finally did it he was mad I was relieved so I went out with my friends, and I can say the lesson I learned is don't let any one boyfriend or not run over you cause there are other guys that are much more worth you.

Monday, March 31, 2008

"Friendship multiplies the good of life and divides the evil."-- Baltasar Gracian

This quote is meaningful to me because it is talking about how frienddship grows in numbers, but it also divides among the number who isn't a friend. I think that is totally true because when your a friend of someones you sometimes don't have a clue out of the group who could be lying or who could be an outsider, but you find that out by which ones will betray you and act funny towards you after a period of time. I also think this qoute is meaningful because you will always know who true friends arre by life which is meaning as you get older and move on which friends will keep in contact with you and call to see how you are doing that to me would be a true friend. Another reason why I suppose friendships don't last and you can tell them out of the bunch because they usually have there on secret clique that they have already blew you off for and start acting stupied in front of so you know there not your friend. in conclusion I would have to quote that only friendship makes life sweet, and the evil in a friendship will never be together it will always and forever be divided.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Things I am going to do on my SpringBreak!!!

1.I am going to sleep all the time when I'm not business having fun.
2.I am going to clean my house to get ready for the party for my aunt.
3.I am going to eat out mostly because I will be to busy to sit and eat at home.
4. I am going to call the my colleges to check on my applications and other things.
5. I am going to call family and friends to wish them a great SpringBreak.
6. I am going to chill with my guy and go shopping.

The Ultimate Driving Experience

My most ultimate driving experience would be when I drive the car I always wanted the volkswagon beetle red or gray. I would not be riding by myself I would be riding with the closes person to me my mother. The reason I would choose my mom is because it would be cool for us to as mother and daughter to ride in style and to the best place in the world to me Hollywood California. On my ride I would have to most definitly have to make it a roadtrip. What we would see as we make this journey to California would be a whole bunch of things such as big palm trees, the biggest mountains I would ever see in my life, nice hotels that we would stop at because we would have enough money to do all sorts of things on our way to hollywood. I would imagine the smell of rest stops were we could and get bites to eat and go and buy little things to take back. I also would smell the outside of the road,and the smell of the cars going really fast. Our emotion would be the most excited of them all because we were doing what we was loving. When we would arrive I would be so happy and my mother would be happy also and we would eat and shop til we were tired and after all that we would lay on the beach and look at the sky and enjoy the greatest sight sipping ice cold drinks while smellin the beach water.

Monday, March 10, 2008

"My Life as a Movie"

Sanaa Lathan played as Kenya Walker, was a high school senior whos' intentions were to go off to college; get a degree in performing arts and marry some day, but little did she know that all of what she thought was the plan after high scholl would soon change. Sanaa meets this guy named Taye Diggs played as her guy Jamell who works at a gamestop as a manger and spends the rest of his time chillin with family an friends. They meet because of her brother Omarion played as her brother Kenyata obsession with video games and his obsession to always be in there that made them talk one day.Later down in the relationship Sanaa explains to her sister Megan Good played as her sister Kita about how great he is and about how they click. Janine her mother played by Whitney Houston isn't so sure about what her daughter say is great so is eager to meet him, and she ends up liking him in the end. After all it is what Sanaa wants that matters.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Positive Experience with a teacher

The positive experience that I had with a teacher at Hirsch was when Ms. G my former spanish 2 teacher told me about how important it was to take cornell notes. Honestly I thought that it was nonsense to take notes on everything that mighth not be brougth up later but I learned this out the hard way. W hen Ms. G told us ok class lets take notes we all was like ahh man not again but as time gerw and we kept taking notes it actually in my opinion me on test and quizzes. It also helped me when I need something to look over when a test was coming up I realized that taking cornell notes really were important and I will not only need them while I'm in high school but it will also help me out when I go to college and any were else in the worl that consist of taking notes. I would like to conclude that because of Ms. G's advice I am one of many that am a great cornell note taker. Thanks Ms. G!!!

my buggie