Tuesday, February 19, 2008


I think appearance is so important because it tells right off who you are as a person and how you were brought up, but in some cases its not important . People often lose out when they judge people on how they dress or how they talk because of what someone else might have said about them, but if you get to know that person yourself and not care about there appearance then you could just have found a new friend. I realize that now in the world its about what you have on or what gang your with or what shoes you wear I personally don't live like that the riches man could be a bum, so why shoud appearance be that deep. If you just learn that throughout life if you don't be you and not worry all that appearence stuff and just be you then you will fall.

1 comment:

Honey Bunny said...

Omg I thought I told u to stop being such a Kenya. Okay now that I have ur attention u loser I think that u and everybody else knows that the soprano section is the best and if u dont know then say hello to my little friend (the soprano voice ). Look instead of being such a Kenya all the time, GET LIKE ME, maybe then people will like u (duces chunked).

my buggie